Monday, February 3rd from 10 AM–12 PM at the Ag Hall
Presented by Lisa McKeag, Produce Safety Educator from UMass Extension.
This workshop is intended to help produce growers think through next steps with regard to produce safety. Anyone is welcome,but it will be most useful for growers who have taken a food safety training course, such as the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training. This training is being offered remotely ahead of the workshop on January 30th and 31st. This will be an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and dig more deeply into food safety topics.
Topics that may be covered include:
Writing a farm food safety plan
Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Meeting regulatory or audit program requirements
Training employees
Understanding and managing food safety risks from wild and/or domestic animals
Understanding and managing food safety risks from agricultural water
Understanding and managing food safety risks from manure or compost
Postharvest areas (e.g., packshed design, postharvest equipment, cleaning and sanitizing)
COST: FREE, registration preferred. Sign up and share more about your goals for the workshop here!
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